Help Get the Word Out about HOPE

These days, it's tougher than ever to messages to people who might be interested in being part of HOPE.

Challenges include email spam filters, fragmentation and dysfunction in social media, and a general shortage of ways to get people's attention.

You can help! Here are some resources and ideas to get the word out about HOPE.

Tell your friends and colleagues

Invite people you know

Friends and colleagues might be interested in HOPE, but don't know much about it. Or, they might be nervous about attending for the first time.

Tell them about and some of the great content and experiences of past events.

Point out how easy it is to get to HOPE, and that it is a reasonably affordable experience.

Build participation

Identify speakers, workshops, and performers

The HOPE CFP is open, and all kinds of talks, workshops, performances, villages and other content can be submitted to the program committee.

In addition, HOPE is always interested in suggestions for keynotes or anything else we might not have thought of. Email with your suggestions.

Vendors & sponsors

HOPE is always seeking vendors and sponsors. Vendors pay a nominal fee to get a vendor table during HOPE. Vendors must have a hacker-related product or service. They can sell on-site. Non-profits are also welcome.

Sponsors provide funding at a higher level, and in exchange get visibility throughout the conference program, including the online stream.

Make a video

Your short testimonial about what HOPE means to you

Submit your short video testimonial to HOPE's Nextcloud filedrop, and we'll make it available on social media or elsewhere.

Take whatever approach you would like. The goal is to help tell your story about HOPE.

Spread the word

Link to HOPE, tag HOPE

Leverage your own network by linking to or any of its pages. You can also share previous talks from our YouTube channel.

Find our social media accounts linked in the footer of every page on the HOPE website. You can follow and tag HOPE.

Write about HOPE

Contact the press team for ideas for articles, social media postings, blog postings, TV shows, etc.

You can freely use our image assets to help publicize HOPE.

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